Tips for Aligning Your Energy to Manifest Dreams into Reality

Tips for Aligning Your Energy to Manifest Dreams into Reality

Helps to improve your life

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Helps to improve your life

Make better decision on the go

Create meaningful moments

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How do you know when it is the right time to put those dreams into action?

Countless hours can go into dreaming up an ideal product, offering, or company. You may even have it pretty planned out in your head but how come it’s still not out in the real, tangible world? How do you know when it is the right time to put those dreams into action? 

The hard answer is that no one can determine this for you. For far too long I was waiting for a sign or permission from external sources. When I started taking small, aligned actions, that’s when the magic really started happening. Some of you may be wonderfully brave risk takers and don’t need much to take the big leap and I applaud you immensely!

However, if you are like me: in need of inspiration while you gather your courage, these next steps may help in getting you energetically ready to launch and manifest your dreams into reality:

Write Down Everything
  • Don’t be limited to a physical journal and pen. Use your notes app on your phone, email drafts, texts to yourself - anything works.

  • Get all those beautiful ideas out of your head and into words that you can see. This gives you something to react to and work off of as you continue evolving your dreams.

Talk About Your Dreams
  • You may not be ready to share with anybody just yet, and that’s okay! You can start by recording your own voice notes. Listen to them often and allow yourself to get comfortable with the idea of living big.

    • Take it a step further and record your voice notes using a method called scripting - act as if you are already living your dream life and are running your own company. This is a form of manifestation and using your own voice is such a powerful tool.

  • Tell your innermost circle about these dreams. These are the cheerleaders in your life and they want you to succeed. They will pump you up, give you honest feedback, and be there to support you as you first start out. Having that positive feedback from others in your idea and testing stages is such a strong motivator.

Have Many Teachers
  • Get out there and sign up for groups, classes, and meet ups with people interested in the same things that will make up your business. Be a sponge and be willing to learn from everyone. I asked friends to join me when they could but I also did things alone which helped me grow as well. While I joke with my friends about TikTok university or the beauty of IG reels, that should be one small piece of your inspiration pie. Nothing takes the place of real world experiences.

  • Podcasts, Books, YouTube, etc - there is so much free content out there that gets deep into the minds of leaders and experts. The endless number of topics can help you attack all sides of starting a business. I personally look for topics around making the transition from corporate life to entrepreneurship, behind the scenes of spiritually-led businesses, unique perspectives on creativity, and continued learning around different healing modalities.

Create Containers
  • This may sound silly but I created a few different accounts before I even had a clue what my business would be: linktree, instagram account, calendly scheduling…these all sat unused for different periods of time but I was saying to myself: I will need a way to link people to my different resources, I will need a social account to help people find me, and I will be taking calls that will need to be scheduled ahead of time because I am a business woman! 

  • Is there a special ritual you can lean into or a specific place you can designate around the practices listed above? Something about setting an intention around a physical place or around actions like lighting a candle with your favorite tea can signal to your higher self that you are ready to make some magic and that you mean business.

How do you know when it is the right time to put those dreams into action?

Countless hours can go into dreaming up an ideal product, offering, or company. You may even have it pretty planned out in your head but how come it’s still not out in the real, tangible world? How do you know when it is the right time to put those dreams into action? 

The hard answer is that no one can determine this for you. For far too long I was waiting for a sign or permission from external sources. When I started taking small, aligned actions, that’s when the magic really started happening. Some of you may be wonderfully brave risk takers and don’t need much to take the big leap and I applaud you immensely!

However, if you are like me: in need of inspiration while you gather your courage, these next steps may help in getting you energetically ready to launch and manifest your dreams into reality:

Write Down Everything
  • Don’t be limited to a physical journal and pen. Use your notes app on your phone, email drafts, texts to yourself - anything works.

  • Get all those beautiful ideas out of your head and into words that you can see. This gives you something to react to and work off of as you continue evolving your dreams.

Talk About Your Dreams
  • You may not be ready to share with anybody just yet, and that’s okay! You can start by recording your own voice notes. Listen to them often and allow yourself to get comfortable with the idea of living big.

    • Take it a step further and record your voice notes using a method called scripting - act as if you are already living your dream life and are running your own company. This is a form of manifestation and using your own voice is such a powerful tool.

  • Tell your innermost circle about these dreams. These are the cheerleaders in your life and they want you to succeed. They will pump you up, give you honest feedback, and be there to support you as you first start out. Having that positive feedback from others in your idea and testing stages is such a strong motivator.

Have Many Teachers
  • Get out there and sign up for groups, classes, and meet ups with people interested in the same things that will make up your business. Be a sponge and be willing to learn from everyone. I asked friends to join me when they could but I also did things alone which helped me grow as well. While I joke with my friends about TikTok university or the beauty of IG reels, that should be one small piece of your inspiration pie. Nothing takes the place of real world experiences.

  • Podcasts, Books, YouTube, etc - there is so much free content out there that gets deep into the minds of leaders and experts. The endless number of topics can help you attack all sides of starting a business. I personally look for topics around making the transition from corporate life to entrepreneurship, behind the scenes of spiritually-led businesses, unique perspectives on creativity, and continued learning around different healing modalities.

Create Containers
  • This may sound silly but I created a few different accounts before I even had a clue what my business would be: linktree, instagram account, calendly scheduling…these all sat unused for different periods of time but I was saying to myself: I will need a way to link people to my different resources, I will need a social account to help people find me, and I will be taking calls that will need to be scheduled ahead of time because I am a business woman! 

  • Is there a special ritual you can lean into or a specific place you can designate around the practices listed above? Something about setting an intention around a physical place or around actions like lighting a candle with your favorite tea can signal to your higher self that you are ready to make some magic and that you mean business.

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Just breathe. Each breath is a step towards tranquility. - Jane Messermsith

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Just breathe. Each breath is a step towards tranquility. - Jane Messermsith

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Just breathe. Each breath is a step towards tranquility. - Jane Messermsith

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The Wow Phase

Just breathe. Each breath is a step towards tranquility. - Jane Messermsith

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